Mortgage Mavericks

Leveraging Video Production and Hooks With Alex Kerr

April 16, 2024 Ash Borland

In this episode of the Mortgage Mavericks Show, we are joined by special guest, Alex Kerr from Mortgage Chain. We discuss the importance of producing high-quality, engaging content and the role of hooks in creating viral potential for social media videos. Alex shares his insight on shifting trends in video-making for YouTube and other platforms, the nuances of video editing, and how to create videos with a distinct signature. We also talk about how to cater content to specific target clients, and why storytelling and structure matter. Whether you're a newbie in video content creation or a seasoned mortgage adviser, this conversation is full of actionable tips and insights on creating content that sticks.

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  📍 without a hook, your social media videos are  doomed  Hello, guys. Welcome back to another episode of the Mortgage Mavericks show. And today we're joined by a very good friend of mine. Actually I love this guy very much. He's a wicked guy. And many of you don't realize that we do know each other quite well and spend a lot of time chatting. And that is the wonderful Alex Kerr from Mortgage Chain.

I always forget the name of your business. It is Mortgage Chain, isn't it? It is Mortgage Chain. I just know he's Alex Kerr Mortgages. So it is Alex, mate, welcome to the show.  Hi. Thanks you for having me. Hello. It was  out. Who am I again? What's my name? Where am I? Yeah, you're too busy. You are too busy looking at whether or not you look good on the screen, making sure that you've got the lighting right.

I know that's what you're doing. Yeah. . Yeah, it was on my mind a little bit.  mate. Welcome to the show. People who don't know about you, they're probably living under a rock, but give us a bit of an insight as who, so who are you?  Am I so Mortgage Advisor specializing in first time buyers?  And  predominantly YouTube.

So  that is where my source of business comes from. At the moment it's my only source of business, which.  Has its issues, but  the good thing, obviously about YouTube, for example, is since the new year, I haven't managed to do any new content because I've been busy  re  redoing how I'm going to, move forward with it.

So it gives you business, on tap. That is the beauty. Yeah. Specializing for first time buyers.  Obviously I've got a keen sort of eye for production, that sort of thing. So enjoy doing the videos with the lighting, all that sort of stuff.  And  yeah, so I want to dive. It's effectively me. Yeah.

Let's dive into that bit. You said then, because I, people don't understand this.  And I get it a lot. You're the bane of my life. And as we've spoke about this at length many times about how many people will come to me and they go, I want to look like you.  And and I constantly get people saying,  I want to look like Alex.

I want to do, how does he do that? How just for context to people, how much time, how much effort and how much of your passion, because it is a passion of yours has videography, production, lighting, sound,  how much of that It takes up a lot of your kind of thought process and mind and how much time have you invested in that over the years?

Yeah, over the years a lot. Now it's all very simple, Because you know it now though. Yeah. I sit down, I choose an angle and press a few buttons and I've got different setups.  It's very easy now, but yeah, as in less time consuming than before, not easy, less time consuming, but yeah, at the start it was very difficult because you had to work out,  I had to work out.

I want my videos to look like that, which I guess is some of your.  What they want with you. Yeah. Opposed to me. The key thing is, it's not about the camera, it's about lighting and it's as simple as that. And  about a good quality light, really. And you need three lights and you achieve a cinematic look  and that is it.

And then the additions. A few lights, like I've got a couple of lights, which are behind me there, just shining against the curtain, which I just shoved up, I like the creases in it and stuff bit of a different effect there, but,  a lot of time and thought went into this studio, because this is a studio, it's  converted garage on the  side of my house,  and, it was a garage once, and, I built it completely,  So if I turn the table around the tables on wheels, so I can wheel it around, it's got like a 20 foot  lead plug lead.

So I can wheel it round wherever, and there's different looks, different angles, there's  three or four hair lights, there's four hair lights around. So I can go over there. It's got a hair light, a key light, a backlight in every corner of the studio, so there's different set up for different things, I might be doing a.

Like a course based video in the other side of the room. That's where I'm looking at the minute.  So I'd go over there.  And that shows, isn't it? Now, isn't why I asked you that is because me and people don't realize that we, they said that we speak a lot and, we have mutual friends in this friendship circle.

And a lot of the stuff people don't see behind the scenes of what you do. And I've said this before, where you'll show you've showed me on cameras and stuff before with your studio. What you've just said, then doesn't really even do it justice as to what it actually is. It really is as someone who's a content creator, it is a content creators played in it's amazing.

And the reason why I bring that up is because it comes up  a lot is that people go up  camera, what lighting do I need to buy on Amazon? What ring light normally it's normally what ring light for less than 50 pounds Can I buy to look like that and I always just try to say to people It's not you are no ring light for 50 quid.

No, more about this And some of the my friends who are big YouTubers though, in fact most of them, in fact all of them , like when it comes to like your lighting and that's something you've spent time and craftsmanship and production in doing. And I think that it's admirable and I think that's why it looks so, so great and it's pretty, it's very impressive.

But do you find that you still, like you said, are you still interested in it now?  Because, you've been doing it for a long time, or is it now you've you've done it and you're just Oh no, I've,  I feel like I'm at the start again. So I'm not happy with any of it. Are you always like that? 

Yeah, no, I feel like I'm at the start. So I want to go to the next levels now. That's what, I've spent the last three or four weeks literally Ripping up the book and going I want to get to that now. And again, it's around lighting and things like that.  There's so many levels you can go with lighting and I'm  nowhere near where I want to go.

Because the last time we last spoke on the show, not when we spoke in person, but like in the show was color grading. That was the thing you were looking at was color grading. And I know you, you do that in your sleep now, but so what's the next, what is the next level?  It's a combination of.  Colour grading and lighting.

I think it's about being subtle. It's easy to overdo it. I think it's about being subtle and,  a subject I wanted to talk to you about on, on the podcast today  was  hooks.  Okay. Creating hooks and  I'm just trying to link that into  the topic. What we were talking about. It's fine. So let's talk about the.

So what, when you're saying, cause that's, you're trying to level up  in hooks. So when you talk about hooks, what do you mean about hooks? Are you talking about what type of hook do you mean?  Okay. So  let's categorize, let's look at YouTube  and then let's look at everything else, which I call verticals.

Nice. TikTok, Instagram, YouTube Shorts. Okay. So  YouTube is search based and Pinterest. Okay. They're the two platforms. I look at them as a value proposition. Okay.  I look at all the others  as  though you need a hook.  Now, a value proposition is five tips to buy your first home. The best cameras for making videos look good.

That is a value proposition. You'll find that it's facts, it's information.  Okay. But a hook, all right, is  building a feeling around the purpose of the video.  Okay. So this is everything I'm looking into at the moment. Why I'm  going to change everything.  Now 

I can give you some information, which I've  been looking at. Yeah, go for it. I've just got a few notes here, right? The brain, okay, is split up into three different  parts, okay, you've got the neocortex,  the limbic area,  and the,  I can't say this word. It's the hard one, isn't it? I know the one, it's the neocortex, the limbic, and the reptilian, isn't it? 

Am Amala, something like that. Yeah, the  amygdala, amygdala, which is also the reptilian brain. Yeah, absolutely. So the neo, that's when you're going for the proper name, everyone does, I think everyone calls it the reptilian because it, they can't say, oh, the lizard brain. Yeah, the lizard brain for that reason. 

Yeah, absolutely. Amygdala, it's a MY,  but the neocortex, that's the problem solving part of the brain. So when you are thinking about producing content. That's the part of the brain you're using. Okay, the limbic area is the next one down, but the amygdala, okay, the lizard brain, whatever you want to call it, that's the part of the brain which listens and makes split decisions, okay, in seconds.

And it's the oldest part of the brain, so it's always looking for threats.  Okay. Now, if you can build a hook with a negative connotation,  then that gets the amygdala part of the brain. And if you can build that hook around the topic of what you want to talk about,  then I think you have the,  the  formula for a possible viral video.

And that's how I see all these verticals. And that's, that is the aim to produce it. A viral video, because  it doesn't matter what algorithm,  what platform you're on the algorithm is essentially  your video will get passed to a few followers of a few of your current followers. And if they like share, engage comment,  they're like the gatekeepers.

It will then get passed to their followers, et cetera. If their followers then do the same, you will keep going. So if you produce a proper flowing video with a hook with, purpose,  that's how you get your viral video.  Now,  talking about  building a hook with a negative connotation. Okay.  Now, obviously,  you might see that some videos start with the hook Stephen Bartlett, for example.

He will put three or four parts of the video. Some of them might be negative connotations, something negative. But it's a hook, and then the video starts, doesn't it?  Do you know what I mean there? Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, yeah.  What we could do is we could trial it out on this podcast,  and you could start this podcast  with  A hook. 

Okay. Yeah. So if I go   without a hook, your social media videos are doomed  Okay. That's building a feeling.  Okay.  Okay. Because if someone who's producing content sees that,  social  media videos are doomed without a hook, yeah, it's interesting.  And you could put that at the start of this podcast, just introduce the podcast with that and then go on to the video.

Straight in.  And see how we get on so we can actually test it. 

You do see with that. Yeah. So you see with that's, I see, I usually see it with Steven Bartlett. You do see that as well with my hobby outside of this is podcasting and  big podcasts all do that very much so you can see that the ones where they bring people in with those hooks at the beginning of the show, especially when you've got a 45 minute, one hour show trying to entice them in.

It's quite it's quite interesting. Especially I was watching one like Graham Stephan with the ice coffee hour, and they did that recently. And that was another one where you see them and they bring them in. And actually a lot of the times the way they've edited it doesn't even, it doesn't even align with it's not even factually right by the time you get to the, you're like, Oh my gosh, that was not what they were saying.

Like it was. Something else entirely. So how do That's the type of stuff you're looking at doing. So how yeah, how would that fit into the mortgage world then? How do you hook how do you create hooks and viral videos in the mortgage world? Is that what you're trying to figure out? Funny enough because this is all very recent for me, like right up until this podcast, I was doing this work today, Thursday is a marketing day.

And I literally just wrote one as it's not for this podcast, but as a coincidence, I wrote one down so I can go through that as well, but.  I'm putting as much effort into this now as I, did into lighting and all that. This is the thing now. This is, it's going to change my long form videos and short form.

So you're looking at structure then. So that's in, so that's really interesting to unpack that for a second is what you're saying there is you've spent the  last few years focusing on your  production quality and now you're looking at the storytelling, the quality of the actual delivery of the content.

And if you marry those two together, then you are a winning formula.  That's the fit. That's the bit. And that's really interesting is I would say,  I've seen people who are incredible storytellers and incredible narrators  with poor production quality do very well. I've also seen people who aren't that great.

We're not great, but not excellent storytellers and narrative weavers, but they have wonderful production quality do quite well, but the ones that we see, like your Mr. Beast, the people who do incredibly well  are the ones that do them together. It's this formula that they're using. And for me, that's what I'm trying to learn  and also the video editing.

So have you seen the new video editing style for the verticals? The  tiktoks and everything, which it's it's layered. The objects are layered. They come in slowly.  If you, they come behind them and yeah. Not where you've got everything flashing in and going No, but you're seeing it moving.

I know what you mean. Yeah. So it like slowly, and it's 3D and it's layered. That's the video editing style that I'm looking at now. That's what you want to go and do. It's what I'm learning. And then I'm gonna train my video editor.  How long does it take to make a video at the moment to do something like that?

My, so I'm using a combination of premier pro and CapCut, the desktop version, which is absolutely amazing.  Yeah, it's brilliant. There's something there finally, where you can go brokers use that. Oh, it's really good CapCut. Yeah, it is fantastic. Anyway, I had a minute video.  And the first two seconds of the video took me two hours to edit.

Two seconds.  Two seconds. Yeah, but it is trying different things and learning it. So this is a very, gonna be very slow. But I will pick it up very fast. I'll probably be able to do it in an hour and 45. No, but, no, there you go. So that's where I am with it. That's exciting. I  love that.  I love that. 

One thing I want to ask you on top of this is, how have you seen, you've been doing Oh, sorry, back to that hook for the mortgage thing. Oh yeah, the hook for the mortgage, it's gone. So this is what I've written down. It's a hook, it's a long sentence, it's not like a, three letters, three, three words. 

It's an overall hook, an introduction to the mortgage  with a negative connotation,  but with words early  with words that early on enough within the sentence should hopefully pull people in. It's relevant now. It's something which is more trending. So mortgage affordability has. Decreased, isn't it? So mortgage affordability recently in the mortgage world is, has not been as good because cost of living and all that sort of stuff.

So mortgage  affordability just hit an all time low and first time buyers who don't own homes now probably never will. But there are a few things you can do to ensure that if you're on the edge of affordability, you get into a home before it's too late.  That's cool.  I like that.  How does that fly in the face of compliance?

your da. So you get away with that  ? No, we still gotta, we still gotta follow,  certain things, but it's not misleading.  Okay.  How is it not misleading? I'm gonna challenge on it and I like it. That's man, that's cool. The reason why I was saying this is 'cause this is what, so the DA firms I've found, it's not that you're not doing rates, that you have more. 

Accountability to yourself to be able to go, I am going to do it like that. And so all my clients and people I've worked with and people I know who are DA are able to do significantly better stuff than the people who are networked. So what would the justification be so that they can go to their networks and they go, no.

So what would the justification be of that not being misleading when you're saying, I'll play compliance, man saying you've just, we don't know that, you're that.  It's at an all time low.  How did you, where did that come from?  Mortgage lenders are reducing their income multiples to  four and 4.

25. They are adding on extra stress testing, which.  Reduces the overall affordability loan amounts are being reduced. Don't borrow the maximum now, which, is much more dangerous for an unsuccessful mortgage. Obviously before this goes live, as I mentioned earlier, it was the first script.

Yeah. Oh, no, I'm not like, and it might change. It's brilliant, but it is an interesting one. As far as  I would say that mortgage affordability is an all time low because we haven't seen  four and 4. 25 times for a long time. It's always been four and a half standard with everyone, at least.

That's interesting. It's just knowing what you're, what, the reason why I've said not you, it's for the listeners. Cause they know what's going to happen is they'll listen to this and they'll go,  Ash, I'll get the DMs going. That's great for him.  But what about me? How can I do it? And that's what I mean.

I think it's, the reason why I'm saying asking you is that's the justification. It's being able to think. Yeah. If you're in a network, you literally  can't record videos basically. No,  you can. I'm joking . That was the case. I wouldn't have a job. You can't do not press record. Yeah, that is rolls.

Do not record any video. Do not advertise. You joke. But that was not far off what it was when I was in, intrinsic, it's now Quilter, it's Quilter then, and it was swapping over and it was in that middle. And that was like the,  when I asked the marketing department, I was like, So what's the stance on social media videos?

They were like,  we don't have one. And I was like, what do you mean? They were like, you can't do it.  And I was like, oh,  okay. And they were like, yeah, you can't really do any social media unless it's been approved by us already. And then no video is where you're giving any, and I was like, oh, fine. So the way I went around that at the time was I just then made videos about buying houses as a personal blog.

But yeah, it's funny. I love it. You say so  Okay. That's a really cool and you can see the difference there significantly though in that video versus, or that introduction versus, and you say there's more information than as you go through versus things like  just someone saying,  how much money can I borrow as a first time buyer?

Which is what the standard video you're gonna see is. Yeah. How much the first time you do this. Yeah. Yeah. So you think that how to, so on that then someone who's built a brand on search,  do you think that.  Where does search fit into that? Do you think how to videos are less, less relevant? Or do you feel like Oh,  sorry, David Sharpstone just phoning me via WhatsApp, came up on the screen.

Is he? Pick him up, go on, say hello. Cut all my  You say, hey David. I've got rid of him already. Oh, no. Sorry David.  But yeah, so Do you think that the how to videos is on the way out? What's your thoughts? No. Long, long form, will always have a place, but,  and that's people more searching for information and facts.

So the five tips for this, that's what they're looking for.  Where your verticals, it's people are scrolling through for entertainment, aren't they? Really? That's what they're there for. So that's where the hook comes in. You've got to keep them there.  So that's the difference. So that wouldn't.

Okay. So you wouldn't be applying that. You wouldn't be applying that concept to your longer videos or you are, is that I am a little bit, so I'll do a combination, I'll do a combination and I am now structuring the long form videos so I can take snippets out and put it at the start.

Which will act as the hook. So when I'm scripting it on my word document, I highlight those words in red.  That will be the hook for the start of the video. So when I'm editing or video editor or whatever, they know. What  parts of the video to have at the very start. So yeah, I'm going to have two, three snippets of some type of hook and negative  connotation.

And and again, it's all about experimentation as well, but  in regards to something else just to throw in there. So  another thing I'll be doing is I'll be taking five topics of my.  Yeah, and doing eight weeks worth of videos in those topics, check the analytics,  what three topics are doing best been the other two double down on the three, but smart move.

It's really, I'm really also trying to understand who is my client, my ideal client, who are, who is it? And I've been able to look into that more  and realize that a lot of my content was just towards a first time buyer,  any first time buyer, really. But now my best clients, the ones I like working with best and that produce the most revenue  are  the clients that are on between 60 and a hundred K  as a salary.

And that's  a pattern I've seen. I prefer working with them. They're just easy to work with. They want to pay for your service  and  it just flows. You can charge.  Good fees and so my content will be around them, how much can you borrow on a 60, 000 to a hundred thousand pounds salary? That was a video idea.

I wrote earlier. I spoke about that actually Recently and funny enough. I spoke about it Yesterday on the podcast. So when I've not this podcast my solo show we were talking about I was talking about this which was the amount of advisors who are making which will be a long time when this comes out, but cause it's daily, so it'll be a long time ago.

You have to go back down and find that one, but it's one of those where we were talking, I was talking about exactly that, which is if you make content, making content that is using the figures and examples of your ideal client is very important. The amount of advisors I see who like the average, you might do see first time, but the average first time buyer salary is.

25,020 5,000 and there's taken a car loan of this. And I said, actually, if you are saying that, your ideal client is between 60 to a hundred thousand  and you know they might have a car loan of say, 700 a month because they're buying, they've got an Audi or a Be a Beamer or something, then it's using those real life examples in the content is going to resonate with those people. 

Way more than it would like when I, when you hear people like 25,000. 25,000 and, a hundred pounds on a the stuff we always do, which is the stuff we're trained when we first go, advisors, that kind of ONS kind of data as opposed to our data. And I think that's really interesting thing.

And we've to the point where we, I've been getting clients to share like the properties their clients are buying. So it's like sharing that in videos. This is what we've been doing and it's working. Like we, as in, we've done it recently they've moved in and stuff. You're like, this is a great property.

Previously it was 270, 000. It costs this, and this.  Then it gives us a much better anchor to the type of client you're after. Absolutely. And also speaking, this is another thing, speaking in second person language. So  what I mean by that is,  I'll give you a right example and a wrong example. So a right example is  talking about  McDonald's or something like that, with a hook and a negative connotation.

McDonald's is making you sick because of all the chemicals and preservatives they put in your food.  Hook. Negative connotation.  First person, second person language. McDonald's is making you sick. But, the wrong way of doing it would be Eating McDonald's makes me feel sick.  And I don't respond well to chemicals and preservatives they put in my food. 

So difference there. Yeah, there is. But there's an interesting thing with this. I want to do, I'm not, I will hear your take on this because Alex Hormozy, big fan of his content, I'm sure you've heard of him.  So he, I'm getting some of this stuff from, so he does the opposite of that. Yeah. So his thing is that you should do it from first person, not.

So that's an interesting, I like that when you say that. So he says, remember, this is just for, this is just relating to hooks. It is, but I'm interested on that marketing, but I'm interested to hear your take on that because I was thinking you said, I was like, Oh, that's cool. But as an, I get what you mean is McDonald's is making you sick. 

What's really interesting is to throw a certain span of us. Cause I'd never heard this until he said it was, he was like that. Is stuff we're taught in  video and hooks. He was talking about hook. It was hooks is what he was talking about, but he was saying in this thing that's a hook. And he said, but actually,  when you say it to them,  you are, what did he say?

He said his thing was, and I remember listening to it. It was about a year ago. And I'm thinking, Oh my gosh, like I've never thought of it that way before, which he said, let's take McDonald's is making me sick.  So if you say. McDonald's is making me sick because of all the poisons they put in their food. 

I won't be eating it myself because I want to look after my health and dah. That might be something that you want to do.  He said you might be saying if you feel the same, might be something you want to consider.  And that is you are an expert in your life. So you're saying how you, I've dealt with this situation and this is how I feel.

He said, so no one can call you out  where we said, whereas if you say McDonald's is making you sick then people are going to go,  they're getting triggered. No one likes to be told what to do because they could know it's not, it is. That's what it's for. But if the triggering is to hook them, but what he was saying was.

You interesting. He said it will hook them, but it will hook them for the wrong reason  that something is interesting to hear you're the guy and I hadn't thought about that. He said he was saying like things like what is, you said, you're not the best, no, one's more of an expert about your life than you.

And so when you position it that way, so if you're like, from my experience, the housing market has never been as low as it is, right. The affordability has never been as low as it is right now.  That instantly becomes  you.  And then from there, I'm just trying to play this out. And then from there, workshop it.

And then from there,  that would be more compliant because it's also your.  You as a, you do know what I mean? As opposed to yeah understood. Cause it's from my perspective, it's never been as low as it is right now. And then someone goes, yeah, but no, you actually I've only been in the industry for years.

So from my perspective, it is the lowest it's ever been.  Yeah. So it's an interesting one, but it is, as you say, it's the same player he's saying, but he, what he was saying was, he'll trigger them negatively, which is what you're saying. There is just triggering them anyway, is trying to get the virality video.

Yeah. I think yeah, look, I think.  Funny enough, him and Christopher Claplin, C L A F L I N, they are literally the two people that  I'm moulding this new stuff on and around. Yeah, there's a bit of a conflict there between I've got my little my acquisition. com hat up here. Oh, look at that.

Beautiful Yeah, when you order enough books you get the hat. Yeah. Yeah no, absolutely. It's the most expensive hat I've ever bought 100 million leads and all that. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah, you get those if you buy that Yeah, million leads and you get to buy  I think I bought six books and I got the hat So I haven't got, I've got a, yeah,  there you go.

There you go. So yeah, so I'm wearing one now, but I don't wear those style of hats. I just wanted it on the wall. Yeah, no, absolutely. Get it on there. No, indeed. But  yeah, so there is a conflict there between the two people I'm following. You've got a different opinion there. And and I think  there's so many different opinions out there and you've got to form your own.

And I was going to say, how do you navigate that? Cause that's a hard one to do. Oh, if what, as in a conflict or as in like when, yeah, as in that, what you're saying  there is, but it's a point that I think is really something I come across a lot myself as somebody spends a lot of time, in the marketing, very similar circles to you as in like the similar people we follow and watch and listen to and. 

What you find is the more you do it, the more people conflict all the time. So it's it did, don't drink water, do drink water, don't like, there's these things when I start to watch people, especially with marketing, it's always do this and it's always do that. And I find that  quite I found my own way of doing it now, but I at times have found it quite overwhelming to be like who's got it?

So I'm interested to hear how you navigate that, the main side. No, right or wrong. I go with  one way and then I commit to that 100 percent and then analyze, always look at  the results cause that tells you a lot. And then if I thought actually  it was right, I'm going to change it up. 

That's how I do. That's what I was going to, I'm wondering how you, that's the answer is what I, how I found it was. I just. I  so let's say Alex Ormosi, I'm a big fan of his work. And so like for me, once I listened to enough of his stuff, I'm like, okay, I'm going to commit to his way and I won't do other ways because his way.

Cause what I found was I'd listened to multiple different people and they would conflict and when they would conflict, I would find that both of them would work, but they would work very differently. And so if I do Alex or Rosie, I just listened to his podcast every day. I listened to his books like once or twice a week, and I just compound and immerse myself in that world.

And I find it's easier to do that than it is to, as my experience of it is interesting to see, because as you say it's quite a  hard one because there's so many, the reason I'm saying that  this is many people who are listening to this.  The show, as does very well with downloads that you'll, they'll be listening to me.

They'll be listening. They might be listening to you. They might be listening to Gary. They might be listening to Rosalia. They might be listening to all these Dan Reddish saying these things and it's conflicting. I think it's hard to understand that thinking that everyone has the answer. Yeah. Choose your people that you and then go with it.

Yeah. That's right. And one of the reasons for this big change and shift that I had just before Christmas was,  it was Alex Wormozy. Alex Wormozy said, 

if everybody else can produce this content, I don't want to make it,  right? So  doing YouTube,  I recognized that was something I could do, which. Probably not a lot of other people could and they would go down the TikTok route and all that, but now I'm in that coming into that space and I feel like I'm just blending in  the same as everyone else, there's no real,  that thing that he does makes it him, you recognize him or her, it's  element that they are doing that you it gives them their signature and  so what I'm looking to do now is, Produce something which no one else can produce.

That's why it took two hours to do two seconds worth of video editing. But do you think that will quality, do you think that will? Relate to bigger views. So you think that will matter? So the reason why I ask is that you're stepping into my realm now. And I understand a lot about this stuff that you're the YouTubie, but this is, and the reason I'm interested in, I'm just curious to hear what your thoughts are on it.

Cause you've gone away and researched it. What's your, do you think it will make a significant difference if you spend two hours on two seconds of video? No. So that is okay. So yes. And no because there's. There's other variables that have to be done as well.  So before when I, when I went on YouTube, it was all focused around the production, but there was not a lot of thought into hooks and stuff like that.

And the  structure of it, structure of the video. Absolutely. Now  this here, Ali Abdaal and Vox, I'm good friends with Ali's content manager.  Yeah, they do some great stuff. So that type of video,  that's where I'm going.  So Joe who's got to come on the show at some point, he's Ali's content manager, been around for a long time.

And there's a funny story that David Sharpstone, we were both friends with and so joe went off on his own to set up his own business. And  I don't know, has he ever told you this story? Cause you'll know who these people are. People listen to this is an interesting one. So he said, I said, there's this guy named Joe, his friend of mine, man, he's local to me.

He's great guy. He's only young at the time. It's 19, 20. And I said, he works in he's got his own business. He's setting up and he's a video repurposer. So you do a YouTube video, he'll repurpose it and I'll put it on every single platform you want just like what we,  and Dave was like, yeah, and I think he quoted him.

And I was just today because he was my friend. I was like, this guy's really good. So you need to go and. And so David was like, yeah, and he had a chat with him and it was 1500 pound a month  at the time. And he was like, Oh, okay. And he said, I'm thinking of it. And he gets so annoyed. He was like, he said to me now, he's Oh, I've still missed on that one.

Because then Joe,  he turned it down. David was like, I'm not paying 1500 pound a month. It's way too much. Joe's clients, just to give people context of who Joe's clients are.  Ali Abdul, Alex  Almose works with him on and off.  Chris Williamson,  as in modern wisdom does some, he's done some stuff with Stephen Bartlett and David was always like, shit, shit.

And he's not under a pound a month now. And it was one of those where you just don't know, but that's what I'm saying about their structure and content is insane. Isn't they are like next level to what it is, but also that you don't know where someone's going to go. That's the funny, but just cause it's and he says to me every time I speak to him about it, he goes, Oh.

I said, I really  missed it at that point  because he's about 10 grand a month now, just to even get on like the thing. It's mad.  No, absolutely. Absolutely. And I understand why. And I've discovered that I can make videos  just like that. Obviously, but I haven't got the time to do that.

They charge huge amount of money just for one work to do it. Yeah. There's a lot of video it's. It's literally adding  effects onto effects, not effects, but little subtle touches. And  it's all things that people don't like. So as you say, you understand video editing and I do understand video  more.

I understand it quite well. I don't mind the very basic cause I don't have the time,  but when I watch videos like that, and I'm sure you'll do more than I will, I just watch it. And all I can see. It's all the things they've done that most people wouldn't have even noticed. So the sound effect, the I watched stuff like Ed Lawrence will do some videos.

I know it quite well and he'll do stuff. And it's I'll watch some of his film booth and I'll watch his videos. And I'm like,  that's just ridiculous. The time of effort you put into that. I know I did one where he was like talking into the mirror and he's in the mirror and I was thinking just that alone.

That one  22nd thing or not even a two second thing would have taken you like an hour and a half to make that work and seamless and set up and and I think, but there is a reason why, and that's why I think they say might translate into mortgages. Cause it will everywhere,  Ed does one video every three months. 

But when he does a video it's just an absolute instant banger. And I think that would be the same in any industry, really, if you apply it to anything and his is all storytelling and hooks. Like he literally wrote everything.  So that's where we go in. And  so back to what  you are asked, is that going to make the difference or whatever, but no combining it with  the hooks, the storytelling, getting that right.

Combined with this. Production will hopefully take that to the next level. Calling it sticky content. Yep. That's  sticky content. I love it. And it is completely different to what I've done, now it's just the standard stuff  answering questions, things like that.  I don't think I've got many hooks at all in any of the short form videos I do at the moment, especially without negative connotations  that sort of pull you in and then everything's got a flow. 

Yeah. And. If people like and share it and can relate to it and get a feeling from it, it will  produce more views. And  there's this thing,  even though we've got a specific niche, we want it to appeal to our niche, but we also want it to appeal to everyone  so that in some way, so they can like and share it.

And then it will get put to their followers and everything. Even if they're not my target. Audience,  if that makes sense. Yeah, it makes sense. It does make sense. I like that. It's intrinsic go on. Yeah, no, say we've been chatting for ages. I just looked at the time and I wanna make sure that we wrap it up so we're not talking for too long.

Because these always gotta be about 45. I'm sure we worries got gone 'cause there's other things we need to talk about. And when we've got, you've got some cool things in the pipeline. I think we were going to talk about on this, but I think we best wait until you, it's actually fully out before we can do a whole episode on that.

Cause you're, we go deep. So that'd be really cool to do, but if people want to learn more about you, they want to connect with you, where's best place for them to go.  I would obviously highways have this where shall I send them? Because. Do I send them to my mortgage stuff, which is Alex Kerr mortgage, which is for my mortgage related clients.

But Alex Kerr media is the handle for all the other ones, which hasn't done a lot for a little while. And it was been built in the background  for when it comes into play. So the, I want two businesses, one media related, one mortgage related. It's a lot closer now. So next couple of months, it's really going to.

Move forwards. That's really cool. Video  editing service and soft all in one marketing software and  package around, if you want to up your production level. I love it, mate. Awesome, buddy. We'll talk about that when that's actually all out, where we will get back on the show to talk about it even more in depth,  beautiful stuff.

Remember to start this video with that hook. Yeah,  I will do. Awesome.  Cheers, man.